To submit your bid for a 2003 Maybach, 2003 Vision SLR or Porsche Carrera GT, please print and carefully complete this form, sign and date it, then mail with a certified check or money order for $250.00US (made payable to "Birmingham Imports") to the address listed below. Please follow instructions carefully.
Your Name: ______________________________
Address 1: ______________________________
Address 2: ______________________________
Email: __________________________________
Phone: (Day)_________________ (Evening)_______________
Select the Vehicle You Wish to Bid On (min. $50,000 for Maybachs, $100,000 for Vision SLR or Carrera GT) - check one:
Short Wheelbase 2003 Maybach ___
Long Wheelbase 2003 Maybach ___
2003 Mercedes-Benz Vision SLR ___
2003 Porsche Carrera GT ___
YOUR BID......... $___,____.00 USD (Over MSRP)
Preferred color: Exterior___________ Interior__________ (cannot guarantee) Second color choice.: Exterior___________ Interior__________ (cannot guarantee)
Your Signature _____________________ Date ___/___/___
A receipt for your deposit will issued and mailed to you. Be sure you print out and complete your 'Customer Information' and Bid details. Forward your certified check or money order made payable to 'Birmingham Imports' along with the completed Bid Form to the following address:
Birmingham Imports Attn. Gary White - 2003 Maybach Bids 33495 N. Woodward Avenue Birmingham, MI 48009
Any change in MSRP prices by the manufacturer will automatically result in adjustments to the total price of your vehicle. We cannot guarantee exact delivery dates until the vehicles arrive at the USA VPC (Vehicle Prep Center). Your deposits will be refunded if you decide not to purchase. Color choices may be available but cannot be guaranteed. Prices do not include any applicable Federal or State Taxes, shipping charges, Title and License fees.